The following quotes are from a dialogue of Srila Prabhupada (Founder of Krishna consciouness movement) with his disciples. The full article can be read the the link at the end of this post.
yan maithunadi grhamedhi sukham hi tuccham kanduyanena karayor iva duhkha duhkham:
"Sex is like the rubbing of two hands to relieve an itch. Those with no spiritual knowledge consider this itching the greatest happiness, although actually, from start to finish, the whole business is distress‑‑and it is most abominable."
"Is that pleasure? These supposedly advanced rascals think it is pleasure to unite the urine-passing parts. [Laughter.] And we have to believe this is pleasure‑a standard of pleasure utterly third‑class, fourth‑class. Yan maithunadi grhamedhi sukham hi tuccham. Very abominable. Tuccham: the Vedic literature says, "Sex is most abominable." And yet these fools take it as the highest goal, and they make all sorts of elaborate arrangements for this abominable pleasure. "
"If you stop sex, then you become spiritually advanced. This is the secret. If you stop sex, then you will become spiritually advanced, and if you indulge in sex, then you will become materially enthusiastic. That is the difference between Western and Eastern culture. The whole Eastern culture is based on how to stop sex, and here in the Western countries‑how to increase sex. They are eating meat, eggs, drinking wine. These things will increase sex desire. And as soon as you get a very satisfactory sex life, you become enthusiastic to work hard. Therefore for karmis, or those seeking material advancement, marriage is necessary, because without sex they cannot work. And for those seeking spiritual advancement, sex is prohibited. "
"after sex–licit or illicit–the consequence is suffering. Even when the sex is licit, then you still have to take care of your wife, and you also have to take care of the children, always in anxiety about their food and clothing, their education, their upliftment, and so on and so forth–always undergoing suffering. "
"And if the sex is illicit, then you have to undergo these sufferings: because you commit the sin of killing the child by contraceptives or abortion, as a result, in your next life you must be killed. And in the mean time, you have to go to the doctor and pay his exorbitant fees, and so on. So where is the relief from suffering? Whether illicit or licit, sex means you have to suffer. "
"Why not stop all the botheration of sex altogether? That they cannot, because they are animals. Because they have created an animal civilization, they cannot escape all this botheration. Kandutive manivasi visaheta dhirah. Why don’t they teach people to become dhirah, sober‑‑"Let me tolerate this itching sensation"‑brahmacari?"
Full article can be read here
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