Sunday, October 10, 2010

Lady Shanti

71. Lustrous Padam revels in union with the auspicious lady who is praised all the time by jnanis as Shanti.
72. That deep peace is endowed with a presence that can transform an arid desert into an ocean of ambrosia.
73. Enjoy the supreme, felicitous bliss of peace, the beautiful divine lady by remaining still.
74. May you who have married Shanti, the beautifully jewel-bedecked daughter begotten by me, flourish in the supreme enjoyment.
75. To attain bliss, unite with her, the queen among women, in the Heart, (regarding her) as your dearest companion.
76. Enjoying in your heart the bliss of Lady Shanti's tight embrace, completely forget all else.
77. What the jnanis honour and praise as endless supreme bliss is nothing other than the bliss of that beautiful woman, Shanti.
78. She is beautifully calm, has an extremely comely form, is worthy of reverence, and is boundlessly captivating.
79. Offer yourself as dakshina to her. Embrace her. Unite with that lady who is an unsurpassed ocean of magnificent and noble qualities.
80. If you have the good fortune to marry that Fair One (Shanti), your life will be enriched. It will be as though you have discovered buried treasure.
81. Siddhas will greatly revere and honour her, keeping their attention firmly fixed on her feet, just waiting to be of service to her.
82. Whosoever becomes the target of her glance of grace will experience an immeasurable bliss.
83. If she becomes your queen, under her reign you will attain unmatched glory.
84. She is a tender young lady whose form is the absolute and utterly perfect, distilled bliss of Brahman.
85. Those who are living in the presence of that blissful Lady Shanti will not even deign to look at the blissful realm of the gods.
86. For those who have come into possession of the distinguished way of living in union with that Lady Shanti, a life of living with (other) beautifully decorated women will appear abhorrent.

From Padamalai by Sri Muruganar

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